Having troubles with your ostomy can surely take a toll on your life. You will live your days full of worries and concerns. However, now, there are available tools that can help you determine what’s wrong with your skin and what you can do about it.
Introducing the Peristomal Skin Assessment Guide
WOCN or the Wound Ostomy Continence Nurses developed the so-called Peristomal Skin Assessment Guide. You can download it as an app or make use of it online. By using it, you will be asked some questions to assess your ostomy. Afterward, it will provide you with a possible solution that you can try out.
What makes it appealing is that it comes with a library of photographs. Hence, you can simply look for the photo that best matches your current condition. The icon is located second from the left at the top right corner of the screen, so just click or tap it.
Apart from providing ways to manage your condition, this guide will also give you links to videos that you can turn to for additional help. You will also find tips on the things that you can do in the meantime until you finally have the time to visit your doctor.